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Speciality WorkShops
In-House Photography Training
Real Estate Photography Workshop
Getting Lost
Food Photo Workshop
Creative Forum
Landscape Photo Workshop
One Week - Intensive Photographic Training
Photoshop Workshop
One on One Photoshop Tuition
Combo Workshops
Workshop Gift Vouchers
Beginners and Intermediate Workshop Combo Offer
Intermediate and Advanced Workshop Combo Offer
The Bronze Photography Program
The Silver Photography Program
The Gold Photography Program
Intensive week
Getting Lost
Find Workshop
AKL Beginners Photography workshop
AKL Intermediate Photography workshop
AKL Advanced Photography Workshop
AKL Flash Photography Workshop
AKL Evening Photography Workshop
AKL One on One tuition
WGN Beginners Photography Workshop
WGN Intermediate Photography Workshops
WGN One on One Tuition
WGN Evening Photography Workshop
Online Tuition
Videography Workshops
Smartphone Workshops
Video Training - Package One
Video Training -Package Two
Video Training- Package Three
Corporate Photography
Real Estate Photography
House Photography Tips
Product Photography
Event Photography
The Wish Project
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The Message.
Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Getting Lost would interest you. We have teamed up with our friends at "Getting Lost" to give you a day you won't forget.
This workshop is a game for photographers.
Working together we find new and unique things to photograph in a variety of random spots.
It's a game that will get you thinking outside of the box, and with our help you might just take that perfect shot.
The price includes a set of cards from 'Getting Lost' plus 5 hours under our guidance, helping you take your best shot.
Its the perfect Gift For more information, please click
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